Sunday, September 25, 2005

Transcendental Peace Palace for Missouri?

Transcendental Meditation Peace Palaces in Missouri? The article linked in this Title refers specifically to Cape Girardeau, but "Palaces" are planned for other Missouri cities, including St. Louis, Kansas City and Columbia. I'm interested in this because I was raised in, and currently live in, Missouri.

The project, headed by David Zimmer in Cape, is affiliated with the organization led by Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who introduced the ancient ways of meditation to the world about 40 years ago. He's the guru who taught The Beatles.

Peace Palaces are used primarily to practice and teach Transcendental Meditation, or TM, a technique described by practitioners as a way to calm the mind. The Palaces will also sell related music, books and clothing. Courses will also be offered on diet and health.

Most evangelical Christians in the U.S. are opposed to TM, but Scott Moon, pastor of Grace United Methodist Church in Cape Girardeau who teaches world religions at Southeast Missouri State University, said he sees no harm with Transcendental Meditation as long as it doesn't take the place of a Christian's faith in a Biblical God. He maintains that meditation is a time-honored tradition within Christianity.

I say, anything that can calm the minds of Americans can't help but be a good thing, especially when many evangelical Christians are being brainwashed by "patriot pastors," and commercial television's Christian "evangelists," many preaching bad Christian theology. Have you ever noticed that when most evangelical Christians pray, they do all the talking? God can't get a word in edgewise, or any other way. So, how can God give them that revelation they are seeking?"

Furthermore, if Americans spent more time meditating than watching the inane programs that commercial television is broadcasting, numbing their minds with video games, alcohol or drugs, they might be amazed to see what a big wonderful world God has given them. If the majority of American sat quietly 15 minutes two or three times a day, considering the wonders God has wrought, they could be pleasantly surprised to find themselves living in an enlightened world rather than a dogmatic one, because they enlarged their minds, and changed their behavior for the better through meditation. What a wonderful revelation that would be for all! I think I'll go meditate about that. . . .


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